Saturday, June 25, 2011

Katie Goes To Say Hello

The first blog post is always a bit awkward, like a first date. Will I say the right things? Will you like me? Will we see each other again or will I walk away shaking my head and thinking, "Well, that was a bad idea"? Let's hope not. Hi! I'm Katie.

You may know me from the wildly popular Katie's Yoga Blog, where I first started documenting my attempt to get in shape through a yoga practice. Since the new year, my life has changed in a lot of ways and I have found myself with lots to talk about that doesn't necessarily revolve just around yoga. So here's my place to regale the internet with various tales of the classes I'm taking, the recipes I'm baking, the crafts I'm making, and the rhymes I'm forcing.

Right now, I'm working on a performance piece that requires me to dance quite a bit. I'm choreographing roughly 13 pieces and directing various acting bits. It's going to be a ton of work and a total blast. I haven't done any choreography since living in Texas and it is really helping me move a lot of old, bad energy out of my body. It never ceases to amaze me how much power there is in moving the body. A great choreography session or rehearsal can make my whole week.

I still go to yoga, albeit not as much as I had been in the height of my yoga fervor, and not exactly recently. I'm working on keeping a consistent practice, at least three times a week, to keep regular but allow myself the freedom to do other workouts as well. I've had a hard time keeping up with yoga since I took my break when my dad passed and I miss it a lot. This week, I will be returning and you will have to hear about it.

Allowing myself this freedom has opened the doors to a Nia practice! I've taken two classes this week and I'm pretty hooked. Nia is a movement practice that combines elements of dance, martial arts, yoga, and a couple other movement styles to create a great cardio workout as well as a moving meditation practice. I had so much fun in the two classes I took that I can't wait to get back.

Oh, and I'm going to try a recipe for a raw cashew cheesecake this week. I don't even like cheesecake but it looks so gooooood.

And now? Katie goes to bed.


  1. Nia practice? hmmm..sounds fun! seriously ,where do you take the classes?

  2. oh man! now i will have to make that cheesecake! raw desserts are my absolute FAV! so decadent and fulfilling. and for some reason im not too good at making them. just need more practice maybe...
